“Write Up There!” flip chart course

“Write Up There!” flip chart course
Is this you?
Do you feel embarrassed when writing on a flip chart? Does your audience squint to read the words, or snicker at your crude drawings?
Then this course is for you!
Flip charts are flexible, easy to use and available in most venues.
This course will teach you how to use this very versatile tool in an impactful way. You will learn how to write fast and legibly on a flip chart using different fonts to make your message stand out. Draw simple pictures to create a variety of meanings and learn tricks and tips that will not only save you time, but ensure that you make a lasting impression.
Trainers, Teachers, Facilitators and anyone who would like to develop visual skills to communicate better. This course would suit Facilitators looking for new tools, managers looking to increase engagement and participation, and trainers looking to increase knowledge retention. Only 8 people can be accommodated to ensure personal attention.
Ability to hold a marker and a willingness to try something new.
You will leave with
1. Templates for hand-written fonts
2. A Neuland marker starter set
3. Writing templates to practice on
4. Examples of flip charts to use in your sessions
Price: R4,400 per person (excl.VAT)